The burglar alarm right opposite my house has a self timer that ticks off at exactly 3.00pm daily, and would be blaring off its vocals for another one dreadful hour.
They are in sync. Hand in hand taking the street as the stage, singing and crooning like all of us here especially the-other-neighbor-who-came-back-for-a-nap cheering them to go on for the world cup.
Now, I have to confess, i never really did appreciated silence.
Everything at anytime should have some sort of sound.
When i walk down the lane to my "personal car park" in IMU, i'll expect some chirping from the birds with a background of fine rustling of the wind combing through the trees nearby. If not, i would plug in my loveybaby i-pod to listen to some music.
At this moment.. i really really need silence. They are seriously challenging this... silence; which i obviously did not gave much thought. My ears are starting to hurt.. the noise must be reaching 120 decibles. In torture chambers on enemy grounds, people use Noise as a tool for torture. It drives the spies to their wits ends. And trust me, they definitely will confess to anything!

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