A great man draws a circle around himself, and protects himself.
A greater man draws a circle around himself and people who are important to him, and protects them.
The greatest man draws a circle around everybody and protects them.
A greater man draws a circle around himself and people who are important to him, and protects them.
The greatest man draws a circle around everybody and protects them.
Using the normal distribution graph, well, most of us would fall under the 2nd category. Once in a while, when the moon turns blue and the cows jumps over it, there would be 1 or 2, okay or maybe 3 occasions that you meet the greatest man.
Well, I was thinking, the greatest man would be really really magnificent and, he could even be hailed as a saint, because to draw a circle around everybody really does require strength, courage and resilience! And, okay, a lot of pencil. He would have to be deaf to all the mockery that people are going to throw at him and also to be mute, as not to retaliate them, all because he choose to be ignorant of the rules of the jungle.
The circle would include everybody!
You and me!
People we do not know! People whom we never seen!
Everybody, from the best to the worst.
However, the worst of the worst sort would be hypocrites ( defined as people who are masters of pretenders) , and opportunists ( people who keep everything to themselves and yet, expects you to give them all when there is an opportunity, thus depriving your piece of fair share).
Now, why would i say they would be the yucky-est of all? They remain in the backdrop, staying invisible, sometimes acting like a gut parasite that keeps on sucking your blood silently, until one day, you feel dizzy and drop dead because you lack blood. Okay, I am exaggerating a bit too much. You will not die because of that. But the message is clear. Even if you are a saint, we still cannot avoid these parasites.
It is sad to see that in the realistic world, the jungle rule, well rules. The strong will be supported. The weak shall be trampled.
Whoever said growing up was easy is lying.
Now, would the greatest man appear and please change this rule?

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