The large hadron collider is what every physicist dreamed of building. The ultimate collider will speed protons in opposite directions to up to 99.999( can put as many 9s here)% of the speed of light, which is 299 792 458 m/s , in order to make them bang into each other, hoping that this would generate new particles.
It is now beneath the grounds of Geneva, and it is now turned on! It is expected to unlock mysteries, to tell us things we never knew of... the next "Einstein" theory would soon be an open secret! How exciting!!!
Why would i be so interested in this... *ahem* ..hadron collider?
the reason is plain simple la..
I love physics!
During STPM, i took 5 subjects apart from the normal Biology and Chemistry.
Great friends of mine, Wendy and Siow Mei would have to stay back on fridays to do the experiments. Certainly a great time back then..
The theory of inertia. E=mc2. Hook's theory. it simply facinates me, and all are living proof happening around us. So this new machine which is expected to generate many many theories and the excitement of discovering the new dimension (except the usual right, left, up, down) is simply a thrilling news!
Oh well. Yes, there's been news that this Collider would also create black ho
les underneath Geneva and ultimately leading to our earth's doom. Yes. yes. Critics. Comfort zone lovers.
We have to dare take the risks to discover new things. If our fore-fathers were all too afraid to try things out, we would be static, aka non-moving. We would be stuck at that "Age" for a loooong time. So, whatever risks there is, we would have to risk it, but well, of course with the necessary precautions, back lanes/nets.. whatever you call it..
So... to the people working at the Collider, hope to hear great news from all of you soon!
p/s: while people there are working their arses of, cracking codes of physics, we are here ... bickering amongst ourselves.. some trying so hard to start a riot...sigh... when will we be more matured and to be more focused on more important things, like stuff that will actually improve the quality of human life??
It is now beneath the grounds of Geneva, and it is now turned on! It is expected to unlock mysteries, to tell us things we never knew of... the next "Einstein" theory would soon be an open secret! How exciting!!!
Why would i be so interested in this... *ahem* ..hadron collider?
the reason is plain simple la..
I love physics!
During STPM, i took 5 subjects apart from the normal Biology and Chemistry.
Great friends of mine, Wendy and Siow Mei would have to stay back on fridays to do the experiments. Certainly a great time back then..
The theory of inertia. E=mc2. Hook's theory. it simply facinates me, and all are living proof happening around us. So this new machine which is expected to generate many many theories and the excitement of discovering the new dimension (except the usual right, left, up, down) is simply a thrilling news!
Oh well. Yes, there's been news that this Collider would also create black ho

We have to dare take the risks to discover new things. If our fore-fathers were all too afraid to try things out, we would be static, aka non-moving. We would be stuck at that "Age" for a loooong time. So, whatever risks there is, we would have to risk it, but well, of course with the necessary precautions, back lanes/nets.. whatever you call it..
So... to the people working at the Collider, hope to hear great news from all of you soon!
p/s: while people there are working their arses of, cracking codes of physics, we are here ... bickering amongst ourselves.. some trying so hard to start a riot...sigh... when will we be more matured and to be more focused on more important things, like stuff that will actually improve the quality of human life??
Give me a day.... i would like to marry the 2 beauties - medicine and physics together!!
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