Friday, September 26, 2008
xinli's daydream

if i have a money plant..
i would first figure out how to multiply them :P
i will also pluck some cash and deposit in the bank to let it grow interest.. hehehe
pay off my loan
give house with land, and a franchise, for each of my family members :D
buy a yatch, sail around the world!
if i have a wishing feather
i would adopt 3 puppies, 2 kittens and 1 horse
enroll myself to a language class
buy a ferrari sports car,
design my own line of clothes
build an indoor tennis court and swimming pool!
learn how to scuba dive
give xueli the bow she dreams to have it
have a grand piano
if i have the power
i would build hospitals and run it my way
give out scholarships to students with a vision
help build a clean world
have 15 minutes with God
set up a shelter (with free food ! food is important!!) for the poor and the needy, the homeless animals and children.
invest in environmental friendly projects
invent something useful to humans
sponsor space exploration programs
set up a medical bookstore and sell books at discounted prices
sponsor new book writers
construct a drug lab
find out what goes after death

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
shutting out the noise
The burglar alarm right opposite my house has a self timer that ticks off at exactly 3.00pm daily, and would be blaring off its vocals for another one dreadful hour.
They are in sync. Hand in hand taking the street as the stage, singing and crooning like all of us here especially the-other-neighbor-who-came-back-for-a-nap cheering them to go on for the world cup.
Now, I have to confess, i never really did appreciated silence.
Everything at anytime should have some sort of sound.
When i walk down the lane to my "personal car park" in IMU, i'll expect some chirping from the birds with a background of fine rustling of the wind combing through the trees nearby. If not, i would plug in my loveybaby i-pod to listen to some music.
At this moment.. i really really need silence. They are seriously challenging this... silence; which i obviously did not gave much thought. My ears are starting to hurt.. the noise must be reaching 120 decibles. In torture chambers on enemy grounds, people use Noise as a tool for torture. It drives the spies to their wits ends. And trust me, they definitely will confess to anything!

Monday, September 22, 2008
Between the devil and the deep blue sea
when people had to write letters on a real paper,
using a real ink pen
and that they had to tune to radio that actually crackles
and to watch much delayed news on a black and white television in the only house of the kampung.
After 50 years
In the age of free flow of information
Stories are written by both heroes and villains
Now, the real problem arises
1. we, the rakyat are neither the heroes or the villains, we are just conveniently sandwiched in-between!!
2. both the hero and the villain are bad actors but great writers. Both sides are so convincing that it is difficult to distinguish one from another!
Read this yourself.

1, 2, 3
*Use following ingredients when reading
1. Lots of brain juice
2. Wisdom +
3. Intelligence +
4. Self control
* Swearing is permitted
* Cross reference to any history books ( Form 3-Form 6) is encouraged
ah.. I'll say, be patient... just wait and see, for more drama...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
i am waiting...
A greater man draws a circle around himself and people who are important to him, and protects them.
The greatest man draws a circle around everybody and protects them.
Using the normal distribution graph, well, most of us would fall under the 2nd category. Once in a while, when the moon turns blue and the cows jumps over it, there would be 1 or 2, okay or maybe 3 occasions that you meet the greatest man.
Well, I was thinking, the greatest man would be really really magnificent and, he could even be hailed as a saint, because to draw a circle around everybody really does require strength, courage and resilience! And, okay, a lot of pencil. He would have to be deaf to all the mockery that people are going to throw at him and also to be mute, as not to retaliate them, all because he choose to be ignorant of the rules of the jungle.
The circle would include everybody!
You and me!
People we do not know! People whom we never seen!
Everybody, from the best to the worst.
However, the worst of the worst sort would be hypocrites ( defined as people who are masters of pretenders) , and opportunists ( people who keep everything to themselves and yet, expects you to give them all when there is an opportunity, thus depriving your piece of fair share).
Now, why would i say they would be the yucky-est of all? They remain in the backdrop, staying invisible, sometimes acting like a gut parasite that keeps on sucking your blood silently, until one day, you feel dizzy and drop dead because you lack blood. Okay, I am exaggerating a bit too much. You will not die because of that. But the message is clear. Even if you are a saint, we still cannot avoid these parasites.
It is sad to see that in the realistic world, the jungle rule, well rules. The strong will be supported. The weak shall be trampled.
Whoever said growing up was easy is lying.
Now, would the greatest man appear and please change this rule?

Monday, September 15, 2008
Give me an attitude
Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, there is a thing called model engineering.
Scientist creates things accordingly to what they want. The shape, the colour, the sizes... They would put things into categories and slots so that the thing will be grown to the expected outcome.
But, some of these enthusiastic scientists, well, i’ll say, that they are too engrossed and overly excited in this whole process that now, they have unmitigated their theory of nurturing, to the students plants.
In this process plants are assessed and divided. Well, there is this smart plant division. They are put into a jar and expected to glow. Shine like the star. Good for them. And yes, they’ll grow, hopefully not their head or noses only. Then, there is also the not-so-smart and “lazy” plant category. They are lazy as opposed to stupid which, the scientist think is too vulgar a word.
So here they are, being put into a container, very pretty much against their will. Come on, who would want to be put into a dark container, and being labelled as “needs help”. They’ll be laughed at and sniggered!! “ah.. this jar would know the answer to this questions.. i’ll ask .... emm... this jar instead! (pointing at the black jars) ...”. But still, whatever the scientist did, deep within them, i know that they sincerely hope that the plants would grow into something beautiful.
Maybe this way of training has its good points. The “needs help” jar plants would grow into tougher plants, although for sure, they will definitely bear eternal loathing against whoever who jarred them.
But, firstly, did you wonder why should the “plants” be put into little jars, determined by their present potential?
Is the current performance a ruler to measure a person’s worth in 10, 20 years down the road? Every successful head-hunter knows that the biggest trick in scooping up a big talent is to consider the hidden potential beneath that personality. What you say about me or think what i am now, most probably would not be the me in the next century. I might be a high flyer now, but does this confirm my success in the near future?
We are not plants and we are certainly not going to subject ourselves into imaginary confinement of a jar. We are not things that can be molded willingly. We are living beings with emotions and a mind. We have endless possibilities with the sky as our limit. Every one of us can grow into various beautiful things. And it is up to ourselves to assign our own definition of beautiful.
Take Microsoft’s founder for instance, had Bill Gates subject himself to the jar and fell into the pit of depression and humiliation, Windows would only mean a glass built into a wall to admit light or air into the house!!
So, should we be classified and put into jars that'll actually hinder our growth!?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Have you heard about the Large Hadron Collider?

It is now beneath the grounds of Geneva, and it is now turned on! It is expected to unlock mysteries, to tell us things we never knew of... the next "Einstein" theory would soon be an open secret! How exciting!!!
Why would i be so interested in this... *ahem* ..hadron collider?
the reason is plain simple la..
I love physics!
During STPM, i took 5 subjects apart from the normal Biology and Chemistry.
Great friends of mine, Wendy and Siow Mei would have to stay back on fridays to do the experiments. Certainly a great time back then..
The theory of inertia. E=mc2. Hook's theory. it simply facinates me, and all are living proof happening around us. So this new machine which is expected to generate many many theories and the excitement of discovering the new dimension (except the usual right, left, up, down) is simply a thrilling news!
Oh well. Yes, there's been news that this Collider would also create black ho

We have to dare take the risks to discover new things. If our fore-fathers were all too afraid to try things out, we would be static, aka non-moving. We would be stuck at that "Age" for a loooong time. So, whatever risks there is, we would have to risk it, but well, of course with the necessary precautions, back lanes/nets.. whatever you call it..
So... to the people working at the Collider, hope to hear great news from all of you soon!
p/s: while people there are working their arses of, cracking codes of physics, we are here ... bickering amongst ourselves.. some trying so hard to start a riot...sigh... when will we be more matured and to be more focused on more important things, like stuff that will actually improve the quality of human life??
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Just another intriguing thought.
we are one species,
we stand together with love binding us together as one
Ask me
of my 23 years of life,
i have never seen a black ant attacking another ant
i have never seen a pigeon plotting to kill off another pigeon
the chickens can even live happily with a duck
here we are
the mighty humans
bickering away among ourselves
debating who is mightier
this is self-annihilating,
pulling another Hitler..
to think of it,
if there were aliens looking at us through their super scopes
we must be a really big joke
and God must be sobbing away with the angels
we are humans
humans on this one earth we have
our home,
our earth,
our family.
and that in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty.
- Martin Luther King, Jr

related links:
out of eden
populating earth : the journey of mankind