Oh well. I didn't actually get to see lots and lots of cats loitering in the streets, but what i did discovered is, kuching aint that "ulu" and tiny as I expected. (yes. xinli is geography blind )
Kuching's HUGE! Everything is humungeous! The houses. The Library. Imagine, you could actually build a house on top of the round about! Wohoo.

And, the thing about traveling with a group of friends is that you will coincidently discover the usually well hidden side of themselves.

I discovered a lot of interesting traits of others during this trip. The cute. The funny. The hilarious side of others. The deep thoughts. The motherly side. The protective side. Ah. things that i never knew. or should i put it as , things that i thought i knew, but was proved otherwise.
Ok.. enough blabbing..now, on to the much awaited pictures -!

nice sape song.
welcome to sarawak!
Nice trip + great company! :)
Beautiful sape song!!
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