I feel like an overflow-ed reservoir
I have lots to say, lots. Tonnes, Noones and Zonnes ( ok, i made this up :p )
A lot has been happening lately
its like balancing my weight on the tip of an iceberg
on the digitus minimus
while being bombarded by asteroids
life events,

the near ending of another chapter of my life,
being awake for 24 hours straight and still having to answer to Questions posed by dr_K during class,
keeping a straight-alert face when in fact im-so-dead-tired , scrubbing in with the yellow hat,
snatching the scissor from the HO to cut the sutures,
counting down to the FINAL exam... is ........... ---
ah .
the aiyo-kadavale(taught by uma)-indescribable-exhilirating grey-matter stretching-experience.
And.. I know, i know, its going to get more and more intense as the final weeks creep in,
but i still cant shake off the idea that these experiences would be a really good material to laugh about during our 40 years reunion.

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