Honestly, before today, i didn't even know it existed!
I guess most of us don't know either, it being a group of small islands 32 hours away from new zealand! ...
So, realizing this fact, the residents of tokelau islands thought of an ingenious way to promote their islands
that is,
to provide FREE domains to anyone who needs it.
the domain names that you had spent nights to dream of having,
that special dot.com name that you want,
but, reluctant to spend a dime on it kinda thing,
so, here at dot tk ,
you can now dream of having it Eg, www.xinli.tk or www.anythingyouwant.tk or www.yournamehere.tk
( man, do i sound like a desperate salesperson! ; but good things are meant to be shared, ya?)
well, it doesn't host your website there at dot tk, so you can still retain your original weblink and just direct your new address to the old site. Saves you the time of rebuilding another site eh?
anyway, have fun peeps!
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