Well, this is how it started
Right after gyne's mini test on thursday,
as i was walking down the lane surrounded by some trees.. a gust of wind blew
like in the movie - the happening
i got infected..

and this bug is happily eating me up
like a kid enjoying his first McDonald' meal
crunching the bones in a synchronous melody
this disease keeps resurfacing in my conscious thought..
it's taking up all my time
i keep thinking about it... ahhhhhh.... help!!
oh cut the crap!
What is it?!



::sweat sweat::
this is the problem!
I want a doggie
A golden retriever.
And this thought is driving me nuts!!
and the biggest hurdle to it is
$$$$$$ -
after hours researching regarding this dog,
i found out that 1 pup costs about 1-2 thousand!
yes! thousand!!! *rolls eyes*
it's the same price as my O2 for goodness sake!
i'll have to rake out my stash to cure this disease

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