I start a monologue with them, asking,
when would everybody truly realize that we are not plastics?
Our heart is of muscles and blood, and not chemical components synthesized in the lab.
We are alive. We breath. We think.
But no,
most people would still love to look at nice looking things
people would never reject the beauty king or queen for a dance
people would still continue to bully ugly betty even betty has the heart of gold in that show..
It troubles me,
is this a natural selection process?
The beautiful should survive, let away all the uglies
So, is this why people still judge by the appearances?
In which they are practically blind that they cannot look beyond the outer glass of the gift wrapper?
Maybe there were some technical glitch in our genetic codes
Our communication fibers in our brain just can't code ugly objects
Or, maybe we should blame all the tv shows that associate thin, long nose, curvey bouncy hair to nobility, nice, and great?
This should never be held true..
There's a thing called aging,
which in my community,
none of them never seriously think that this event would befall any of them.
Aging.. the sagging of breasts... the loss of hair... fat pads spontaneously appearing out of nowhere...
Nobody escapes them, unless, you pray hard and God qualifies that you deserve to die prematurely
So, that's why,
I support ugly betty.
Because she has a heart of gold.
and that the heart would only grow more gorgeous by the day, and would remain as such..
whereas our plastic appearances would sag, wither and die off.

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