Got my new baby today! :)
The stormy clouds *yea!* , the thunder**double yea!* accompanies me as i sit here in this room in seremban.
I guess, the angels really know i love rainy days.
Just listen to how the tiptaps of the rain drops go.
Ah... so fast!! and I'm again back here, again..
However,i do sense a tinge of "freshness" ;
The house smells fresh
I feel like a freshman
and there is some sort of gratitude i have towards my room!
--- it's "looks" bigger and "cooler"!
Although i am pretty sure it measures the same,
and there is no air-conditioning unit that has been secretly installed in this room!
Oh well, musta be the side effects from PGP.. hehe.
Classes starts tomorrow. Eek!
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