Quote : " Life is a circle"
Ahh.... life and it's rantings...
i miss obstetrics!!!
oh yes, i don't mind it even if we have to wake up at 6am everyday!!
and yes, i don't mind that we have to finish clerking 4-6 patients ( depending on your luck!) every night... and to rush back home to prepare for the next day's presentation..
panda eyes, dehydrated, wasted... it's ok ..OK!
i don't mind it because at least it's the happiest place in the hospital...
where i get to see LIFE brought to this world... and not death and despair...
this is where the sound of crying is welcomed most (in the labour room, no crying means baby born dead..!), and where there is hope and happiness etched on each mother's face...
and the calmness you see in the newborn's face... soothing and calm..

hmm... obstetrics.. :D
Ahhh.... 2 days of psychiatry and i'm wanting it to be shorten to 3 weeks! ( evil evil me... kekeke)
Here, i feel like i am once again thrown into the sea of despair and sadness :(
The paintings at the walls have faded, the fan creaking loudly and we were all standing as close as possible (imagine >sheeps) together in the middle of the psychiatric ward for briefing, pretending to be oblivious to the stares you get from some of the patients.. There were some patients singing (quite well actually), and some mumbling and some talking to themselves... and at the same time i have scary thoughts running through my mind while desperately trying to pay attention to Dr. X's briefing..
I must admit, that i have really bad assumption about all the patients here.. I have this scene in my mind where somebody ran amok and started stabbing everyone with a knife and blood spilling all over.. Well, none of that happened, luckily. See, Presumption and Assumption is the biggest barrier here. Even i can't escape from it..
At the end of the day, i figured out that they are just like the patients in the wards, be it internal med, or surgery.. they just need help... and if we don't help them, if we don't try to understand their pain, their internal turmoil and struggle, who would?

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