Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A little crazy

Back groud music : The Fray : how to save a life []
Mood : Spunky
Quotation of the day :
We are only specs of dusts in the universe. so little, so puny..

I dont believe in blogs. Why? Cuz i dont think ppl care and really spend time staring into your space , reading letters after letters . Anyway, im feeling really cranky ever since i woke up this morning; been hyper-energized , probably due to the nescafe and coke i took yesterday...

Been through 2 postings which is a total mad house! ever since i've moved to seeremban, this is the only time i could sit down, breath and think. Yupz, family medicine is more slowly paced then the surgery n internal med. No late nights at hospitals or any of that sort.. Phew.. but; it's still early to say so..

What dr_L said is probably true, you need to be smart to tune in and tune out; which we were only taught on the 3rd posting!! ** BEADY EYES**. I remembered during the first posting, i felt being abruptly ejected into the vast roaring sea of ward life. Pts were seeking the validity of GOD and it's actions ; particularly the terminally ill or newly diagnosed ca pts. Not only we tongue tied , we felt stupid and depressed that we cant answer them this BIG question of LIFE and GOD. Then in 2nd posting where we encountered numerous deaths... no saint was there to ease our internal turmoil. we, med stds have feelings too! ; we are made up of blood and flesh!!

That time; after 7+7weeks non stop, i really felt that my soul is literally sucked out. I feel like a soulless body gliding through the corridors [ xinli... you read too much HarryPotter!!].. i remember i saw a crippled couple trying to cross the road. my heart was thinking "go , go and help!", my head as turning towards that direction but my legs and torso just cant stop walking and walking and walking, like it's pre-programmed or had been jinxed! ; argg..i think i had became a soulless and mindless walking beast organ then.

BUt HA!, that 1 week of holiday had re-charged and i am in cranky mode ever since im back in seremb. cant sleep; cant eat much [but sadly no change in weight .. :p] ;bad food here; just sub-standard to mum's cooking.. could also blame it on the mattress... or , blame it on the weather at night. too humid; too chilly... during classes; too cold; too stuffy..

Oh what the heck..

think about it. -

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