Translated into: i havent been home since sunday 7am.
I am still in the hospital,
Running round,
Trying to save some lifes,
Trying not to kill anybody..

When i am able to get my bags
And walk out into the evening sun
Smelling the cool breeze,
anticipating a hearty meal with my mates at home..
Provided; if it doesnt rain tomorow or theres no cases in OT..

Just now,
For many a times,
I receive cases from the peripheral hospitals
Or just simple walk in cases
Where this person
Who is a certain mother or dad or granny or son..
Clad nicely formally or not
sometimes with freshly painted nails
Or permed hair
Even a watch on their wrist
As if something sinister and bad just strike mercilessly
i just dont care
I want your life
And i want it now

Pupils blown
No spontaneous breathing
Some reflex movements
And from the scan, you know
They are just going..
but the family members are still in shock

This is where…
We come in.
Go in.
softly planting ideas.. into their head
do no more harm?
No more pain?
let. her. go. with dignity

Life is sad
Full of sound and fury
signifying nothing.